Artificial Plants, Trees, Floral & Planters by Decor
This blog post is meant as a guide to help identify potential plants, trees, planters, and floral that would complement popular design styles being used today. The table shown below has eight different design styles and the respective trees, plants, floral, and planters that would complement the design style. Following the table is a description of the different design styles that I found using Google searches. Feel free to share this blog with your teammates and customers. If you have any suggestions for improvement, feel free to contact me at Decor: Trees Plants Floral Planters Traditional / Americana Ficus, Maple, Birch, Oak, Aspen Spathiphyllum, Dieffenbachia, Silver Queen, Birds Nest, Shefflerra Roses, Tulips, Orchids, Ranunculus, Hydrangeas, Pansies, Dogwood, Magnolias, Lilies, Iris, Peonies, Sunflowers, Zinnias, and Lilacs Copper, Fishbowl. urns Any traditional planter wou...